
GET THE GREASE OUTGreaseZilla contains bacteria and enzymes that target FOG accumulations in collection systems. Creating a zone of biological activity, it utilizes biocatalysts to efficiently reduce fats, oils, and greases. GreaseZilla limits high BOD, odors, and the risk of foaming filaments downstream.

Mitigates Foaming and FOG Outbreaks: Controlling FOG upstream will reduce the main driving force of FOG filaments, like Nocardia and Microthrix parvicella.

Removes Hardened Lift Station Grease: Contains Bacillus thuringiensis, a bacterial species safe for the ecosystem but deadly for targeted larval pests.

Optimizes Effluent Quality: Lowers downstream biological oxygen demand and total suspended solids

Multi-System Applicability: Effective anywhere that FOG accumulates in upstream wastewater applications.


Mitigates Foaming and FOG Outbreaks: Controlling FOG upstream will reduce the main driving force of FOG filaments, like Nocardia and Microthrix parvicella.

Removes Hardened Lift Station Grease: Contains Bacillus thuringiensis, a bacterial species safe for the ecosystem but deadly for targeted larval pests.

Optimizes Effluent Quality: Lowers downstream biological oxygen demand and total suspended solids

Multi-System Applicability: Effective anywhere that FOG accumulates in upstream wastewater applications.

Lift Stations, Collection Lines, and Sewer Lines
Flow Rate (Gallons per day)
Initial Dose (Daily for 1-2 weeks)
Maintenance Dose (Twice per week)
10,000 GPD
6.5 oz
6.5 oz
100,000 GPD
0.5 Gallon
0.5 Gallon
500,000 GPD
2.5 Gallon
2.5 Gallon
5 Gallon
5 Gallon


Grease Traps
Grease Trap Size
Heavy Dose (Twice per week)
Maintenance Dose (Once per week)
1,000 gal
0.5 Gallon
8 oz
10,000 gal
5 Gallon
0.5 Gallon
20,000 gal
10 Gallon
1 Gallon