
FEED YOUR FLOC. SmartBOD offers a perfectly balanced food supplement formulated to enhance flocculation and cultivate a healthy biomass. It is designed specifically for wastewater biology to provide bioavailable nutrients in the ideal ratio for maintaining a healthy wastewater treatment environment. Available in powder and liquid forms, SmartBOD makes for easy application in any plant.

Balanced Wastewater Food Supplement: Provides a balanced blend of bioavailable amino acids, complex proteins, carbohydrates, and micronutrients

High Performance Carbon Source: Outperforms traditional carbon sources like dog food and glycerin.

Enhances Plant Efficiency: Promotes flocculation and improves settling, resulting in clearer effluent and lower effluent BOD, TSS, ammonia, and phosphorus levels.

Combats Bulking and Low F:M Mitigates issues related to low food to microorganism (F:M) ratios, reducing the occurrence of low F:M filaments.


Balanced Wastewater Food Supplement:Provides a balanced blend of bioavailable amino acids, complex proteins, carbohydrates, and micronutrients

High-Performance Carbon Source: Outperforms traditional carbon sources like dog food and glycerin.

Enhances Plant Efficiency: Promotes flocculation and improves settling, resulting in clearer effluent and lower effluent BOD, TSS, ammonia, and phosphorus levels.

Combats Bulking and Low F:M:Mitigates issues related to low food to microorganism (F:M) ratios, reducing the occurrence of low F:M filaments.

Dry Standard Dose – Improve Settling, Get Rid of Filaments
Water Temperature Above 59°F (15°C)
30 lb per 1 MGD, once per day
Water Temperature Below 59° F (15° C) 15 lb per 1 MGD, once per day
Dry Super Dose – To Quickly Grow New Mixed Liquor
New Plant Startup or Severely Low F:M
50-100 lb per 1 MGD, once per day
Liquid Standard Dose – Improve Settling, Get Rid of Filaments
Water Temperature Above 59°F (15°C) 6 Gallons per 1 MGD, once per day
Water Temperature Below 59° F (15° C) 3 Gallons per 1 MGD, once per day
Liquid Super Dose – To Quickly Grow New Mixed Liquor
New Plant Startup or Severely Low F:M
10-20 Gallons per 1 MGD, once per day

Product Details

SmartBOD is an advanced carbon source that provides the building blocks for biological life. This product offers a cost-effective solution for chronic issues related to low food and flows that are too low for the plant design. SmartBOD contains bioavailable amino acids, complex proteins, carbohydrates, and micronutrients that bacteria in biological wastewater processes require in order to build floc and effectively remove nutrients.

Wastewater plants fed with SmartBOD have better-settling properties and produce clearer effluent than plants fed with other carbon supplements. Also, plants with a history of low F:M filaments, like Type 1851 and Type 0041/0675, become less prone to filament outbreaks.

Food supplement products like dog food and chicken feed have traditionally been used to bolster BOD. These foods contain higher levels of fats and phosphorus than are beneficial to wastewater bacteria. They also contain high levels of inert solids which will accumulate in a wastewater treatment system and trap organic matter, leading to low DO conditions.

Crude glycerin and molasses provide a food supplement in the form of sugar. While they can grow a population of bacteria quickly, they are not well equipped to digest anything other than sugar and provide little benefits digesting common municipal or industrial BOD. In fact, sugar based additives typically result in a cloudy effluent and polysaccharide slime.

The human body cannot run on sugar alone and neither can a wastewater treatment plant. Traditional food supplements may offer a source of fuel, but they lack the nutrient balance and floc building components wastewater bacteria need. SmartBOD is a complete source of fuel to improve your biology at a significantly lower dosage than sources like dog and chicken feed or a source of sugar.

Product Pairings

Use ReBuild to combat low F:M by building better floc.