Quick Zyme L

VS Polar


VitaStim Polar is a blend of beneficial bacteria and stimulants designed to boost microbial efficiency in wastewater lagoons. These cultures work to balance the biological nutrient removal processes. VitaStim Polar reduces sludge, improves effluent quality, and reduces odors. Use in temperatures as low as 41° F.

Comprehensive Lagoon Treatment: A powerful blend of 23 essential vitamins, biostimulants, biocatalysts, and select biological species designed specifically for wastewater lagoons.

Reduces BOD, Ammonia, TSS and Sludge Water-soluble packets, easily applied from the shore, to help lower BOD, ammonia, total suspended solids (TSS), and sludge accumulation.

Cold-Weather Formula: Formulated to work in cold temperatures, down to 41°F, making it ideal for lagoon treatment during winter.


Comprehensive Lagoon Treatment: A powerful blend of 23 essential vitamins, biostimulants, biocatalysts, and select biological species designed specifically for wastewater lagoons.

Reduces BOD, Ammonia, TSS and Sludge Water-soluble packets, easily applied from the shore, to help lower BOD, ammonia, total suspended solids (TSS), and sludge accumulation.

Cold-Weather Formula: Formulated to work in cold temperatures, down to 41°F, making it ideal for lagoon treatment during winter.

VitaStim Polar Lagoon Dosing
Lagoon Size Standard Dose (Once per day)
Ammonia Lowering Dose (Once per day)
1 Acre
0.5 lb 2 lb
4 Acre 1 lb 4 lb
8 Acre 2 lb 8 lb

Product Details

VitaStim Lagoon Line is a potent blend of 23 essential vitamins, biostimulants, biocatalysts, and select biological species custom blended for wastewater lagoons.

The probiotic blend in VitaStim products promote healthy biological activity in both the indigenous and added bacteria. Pick the formulation below (product pairings) that works best with your lagoon water temperature. The water soluble packets are thrown in from the shore and help to lower BOD, ammonia, TSS, and sludge accumulations.

Stop The Expensive Dredging Now

Mechanically dredging wastewater lagoons and ponds is an expensive process that stirs up nutrients that are trapped in the anaerobic layer of sludge. This puts the nutrients into the water column to fuel algae growth. Aquafix is dedicated to providing the best biological and biochemicial technology to remove wastewater sludge. This in turn saves wastewater departments and cities thousands of dollars.

VitaStim Polar is part of a proactive approach to lagoon treatment that promotes healthy biological activity in both the indigenous and added bacteria. These gram-negative cultures set to work in every area of lagoon health to balance the biological BOD-degrading processes of your lagoon. This reduces compacted sludge, clarifies the water, and reduces odors. VitaStim Polar saves systems during the dead of winter because of its ability to degrade municipal wastes, phenols, surfactants and other industrial wastes in temperatures as low as 41° F.

Product Pairings

Maximize water clarification and boost DO with the addition of OxyPaks XL.

See VitaStim Sludge Reducer (65-78° F) and VitaStim Summer Slam (78° F +) for year-round treatment.

Case Studies

Municipal Sludge Reducer


A newly upgraded 500,000 gallon per day wastewater system has a large industry that produces biocides. Biocides are made to disinfect and kill bacteria, viruses, and germs making them toxic to wastewater biology.


The plant added VitaStim Sludge Reducer in the summer months and VitaStim Polar in the winter.


VitaStim Sludge Reducer and VitaStim Polar kept their biology running at optimal levels, reduced the sludge production, improved dewatering and settling by 20% to 30%, and controls foam.