In this webinar, Aquafix Technical Director, John Dinneen will dive into how you can eliminate foam causing filaments such as Microthrix and Nocardia in your plant. For additional information or questions, please contact us at 888-757-9577 or


2:08 Field ID and microscopic evaluation of Microthrix and Nocardia

23:07 Reasons for foaming filament issues in wastewater

31:28 Control strategies

40:10 Proactive filament control

55:17 Q&A

Featured Products

Foam Buster

Foam Buster, our best foam-fighting technology, is a blend of specialized proteins, free amino acids, and micronutrients that stimulate the floc-forming bacteria to degrade grease, emulsions, and petroleum hydrocarbon-based products and enable the bacteria to outcompete the filaments which cause foaming.

Qwik-Zyme L 2.5 gallon

Qwik-Zyme L

Qwik-Zyme L is a grease degrader that incorporates three types of fat-degrading biocatalysts to provide dramatic hydrolysis of fat, oil, and grease (FOG). These catalysts speed the breakdown of complex fat molecules into simple short-chain fatty acids, which can help lower phosphorus.

DeFoam 3000 product image 2.5gal

DeFoam 3000

DeFoam 3000 is a 100% concentrated defoamer, formulated to rapidly deflate foam by creating a monomolecular film. This film spreads across the water surface, quickly collapsing foam. DeFoam 3000 does not contain any emulsifiers, making it safe and effective in biological wastewater processes. It can be used in aerobic or anaerobic processes, wherever foaming is a concern.

wastewater testing sample kit

Microanalysis & Filament Origins Test

Have a problem with toxicity, foaming, and filaments? Have mysterious algae forming or lost nitrification? Have previous wastewater testing that didn’t tell you why issues were occurring?

Aquafix offers two different levels of wastewater testing to provide the right solution. We send out a test kit with everything you need. We’ll ship it there, you just handle the return shipping and lab fee.